2019 Memorial Day Camp Worship Leader
“God used a song to speak to me,” Lindsay explains. “It was music that drew me to my own personal salvation experience. I want to use my music to minister to hearts and souls, to encourage believers, and to reach non-believers with the message of the Cross. I am persuaded that there is nothing He can’t redeem.”
Born into a loving, nurturing Christian home, Lindsay knew the stability of a family that sang and ministered the Gospel together. Music has been a touchstone in her life for as long as she can remember.
Lindsay Huggins is a multi-talented Christian recording artist who expresses her musical ideas in her own inimitable style. But ministry is more than a hit record for her. It is a calling, and a way of life. “Even with my family background, I didn’t feel confident in my own salvation,” she confesses. “I accepted Christ as my personal Savior in the living room of my home after listening to a song on my CD player. It is my prayer that my music can have that same impact on someone else who is in need of God’s love and redemption.”